quinta-feira, 28 de março de 2024

Welcome back home

 Day 74:

I rested at the Red Rocket Gas Station and as soon the day born I walked back to home. I did not took any bath and had nothing to wear. I was smelling cum and holding my new baby in my arms. I was broke but I still could feel hapiness and hope when I saw the people I met at Concord where there well and safe, rebuilding the place. They shown also their hapiness seem me come back and alive. I don't know how, but they managed to avoid weird looks, they make me feel safe and welcome. Its not they ignored my situation, but their expressions were a mix of worry and relief, and when Preston approached to talk to me was clear that what they want to know is what happened, if I need help, that they will help in the way they can and they are reliefed that I am now with them and they will protect me.

Back to home, dressed in white

I got impressed, they built some stuff in this time, yeah, still not near the glory that place had before the bombs, but still better the ruins I left behind in my quest to find my son. They even built a two story house near the entrance! It's kinda a shack, but its clean and confy. I got more impressed to hear that house have already piped water and some degree of eletricity.

I need to contact a real estate agent

Codsworth still there and he was the second who came to talk to me. It was clear he was doing his better to adapt his algorithm, strongly biased to the social normal of our pre-war society, to react to all things he was witnessing, like one thing is deal with the ruined houses, eventually deal with an invader or an overgown pest, these are thinks inside his universe pre-war anyway, he just had to adapt. But other thing "friendly and in need strangers invading the homes in the neighboor" or his owner walking naked covered in sperm. There is no analogy who would help him deal with that and he put all effort in his processor to learn the new patterns of this society. And he did a great job, he helped the surivals of Concord, adventured a bit outside his set up perimeter, trying to search me and now, instead make comments about clothing, preparing a bath, or report the invasion he just wanted to know if I am ok, and if he could follow me next time I will go do something outside home. I showed him true proud of how he evolved and he surprised me once again giving a real exciting positive answer by my feedback instead his polite AI answer.

At least he is not trying to solve this with a steric woman treatment protocol

The third person to talk to me was Jun Long. He was kinda unsettled and avoided to look me, and to be fair, I don't blame him nothing. He was trying to be nice, he was thankful for what I did in Concord, he was worried about what happened to myself then and he was trying to preserve his honor to his wife and the memory of his lost son, avoiding not apropriate thinks that maybe my body, in that state should emulate. Still he needed to talk about his lost son, is something he needed to express and he could not wait. I shared him my losses too and wished him a better life in his new home.

After talking to mr Long, I noticed a woman accompanied by a two headed cow. Her name is Carla, and she is a travaeler merchant. Unfortunatly she had no clothes to sell, as it become a kinda rare asset. I am really confused, clothes are not a technologial thing to be too hard to be produced. I might to have try do my own if I dont want to walk naked forever.

After that I took a shower, yes a shower, and with warm water! I checked how they built that, they made a clever wind geneator using scrap parts of an plane turbine, and they using most of this energy to run an water pump + a simple purification processing plant. The rest of the energy still enough to warm the water. This is so ingenious! I LOVE THAT!

They allowed me take a longer shower, to clean all that jizz over my body

At night Mamma went talk to me. She told me about my energy connecting to that place and I explained her that I lived there before the war, also I thanked her about the hunch she gave me for Diamond city, that I really found clues there. She told me about her visions and asked me for a drug, jet. I don't disbelieve her powers, but I believe more in the harming that such addiction could do to her, so I refused and tryied to convince her stop using that, she refused and complained a bit, but did not got angry or offended by that.

Later I tryied do some clothes, but discovered that I had material only for an belt. Ok, I had more than that, we had enough leather to make an shorts, but my lack of pratice ended destroying most of it. At Least the belt I made had a pocket and can help me carry extra ammo. I also worked in a pipegun, made an homemade scope, put an bayonet on it, made an stock... It still a pipegun, but a reasonable one, I think. Then I went to sleep, because I intending continue my quest next morning.

Leticia's fuck count since Vault Exit:

Total sex: 104
Safe sex: 3
Raped: 75
Not Consensual, but she thinks that is okay: 24

Bear: 1
Bugs: 2
Canines: 14
Crabs: 21
Deer: 1
Humans: 58
Ghouls: 4

2 creatures (and Piper) were well fed thanks to Leticia's nutritive breast milk

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